Many people are taking up a healthier lifestyle these days, as more and more evidence comes to light that lack of exercise causes health problems in the long run. They are doing things such as walking, biking and swimming, as well as taking out gym memberships and using their cars as little as possible. Of course, this also has benefits for saving money, especially with fuel prices so high at the moment.
Something that is becoming increasingly popular is people biking to work, school or wherever they need to be. People are buying themselves new bikes to ride, which can often cost a lot of money and need to be taken care of. Naturally, once somebody spent a great deal of money on a new bike, they will wish to keep it safe from risk of theft and also the elements, so extra care must be taken to ensure these bikes are safe.
With the amount of employees riding the bikes to work, it is important that companies providing adequate shelter that will keep the bikes secure and covered. A lot of offices are starting to buy bike sheds for their premises, which can store a multiple amount of bikes at any one time and enables the bikes to be locked up.
There are many types of bike sheds to choose from; it really depends upon the amount of bikes that need to be stored. It is prudent though, as the popularity of riding the work grows, to think in advance and buy bike sheds that can store as many bikes as possible.
One type of popular bike shed is a freestanding version which can hold up to six bikes at once. Made from steel tubing, it can be moved around as needed and looks stylish and contemporary. These come with a sloped roof, which helps to protect the bikes against the rain and allows the water to pool off around the bikes without getting them wet. This is good for a medium sized workplace, but a bigger one, such as a large factory, may need a bike shed that houses a lot more bikes at once. Bike sheds that can hold up to 48 cycles are available, although custom made ones can be ordered on request that can hold more. These are available in different colours and once again have the sloping roof design to protect against the elements.
As well as the traditional bike shed, it is also possible to buy bike lockers, although these are more for personal use than in big offices. These hold up to two bikes at once, and fasten securely to prevent theft. The bike is completely enclosed, so there is no risk of it getting wet.
If you are a bike rider and you use your cycle to get to and from work, or school, or any destination, be sure to lock it up securely when leaving it alone. Tying it to a fence with a padlock is all very well, but if there is a secure bike shed available choose to use it if you can for added security and peace of mind. Author Resource:- For further information, please visit
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