Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Advertising Platforms a Domain Parking Script Supports


Despite most of us having come across parked domains on the internet, few of us will probably have actually noticed the fact that they are parked. In fact, there are many people using the internet who know little or nothing about domain parking. The simplest form of domain parking involves a blank page, often with a notice in the centre that advises you that this site is ‘under construction’. Well, domain parking is a more developed form of having your web page ‘under construction’, the difference being that, instead of leaving your web page fallow, you insert a domain parking script onto your web page. With our domain parking script in situ you can earn money from various third part advertising platforms such as Google Adwords.

There are various reasons for parking a web site, often because the web site owner simply hasn’t got the time to develop the domain name that was purchased as it became available. Another reason is to ensure that other individuals are not able to purchase similar sounding domain names and ‘piggyback’ on the goodwill of a successful business. Other domain owners, of course, purchase hundreds of domain names and these tend to be purchased for the sole reason of being parked and to bring in an advertising income. It is mainly towards this last set of domain owners that a domain parking script is particularly relevant.


Parked domains are not universally popular, with many believing that too many websites are now being utilized by PPC advertising, with too many PPC links encumbering the Web. Such complainants believe that this clutter makes it much more difficult for other users to find the data that they are searching for. I believe this view is far too simplistic – mainly due to the fact that the Web already contains more billions of web pages than any individual could possibly ever come across and which, if you thought about it, puts the parked domains with the domain parking scripts, into perspective.

A far more relevant complaint comes from a similar lobby of complainants who believe that domain names are being inflated artificially due to revenue focused domain owners buying up hundreds of domains and selling the more generic sounding ones for many thousands of pounds. The domain name, sold not too long ago for £560,000. The consensus of opinion behind these complaints seems to be that domains are going to be too expensive for genuine business people to register their business names. Personally, I have never had a problem registering any of my domains, scoring a hit first time when I have chosen a name. Concern may be justified to a limited extent, but this actually enhances the argument towards using domain parking scripts.


D Park Pro domain parking script provides a platform for Google Adsense, affiliate pages, Ebay and Amazon, as well as independent content management systems to quickly and easily earn revenue from parked websites. Anybody can go it alone and write their own script but, unless they are particularly SEO savvy, they will find it much harder to get around many of the modern technical ‘bots’ that are surging around cyberspace. The whole idea of most owners parking their sites is to earn money and, if adding a pre written commercial domain parking script to your site is going to bring in that revenue, why try something that may not work? Author Resource:- Get the perfect & durable Domain parking scrip only at

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